Hi, thanks for stopping by.
I’m Kanika, a published photographer, based in London. I’m also a finance geek. An adventure-seeker. And a mother. Among other things.
My relationship with photography started almost a decade ago, after “flirting” with it for several years. Photography has taught me the importance of perspective. Not just behind the camera, but in daily life.
My greatest creative inspiration comes from capturing the splendour in the simplicity. The everyday joys that remind you that ordinary life is extraordinary.
Whether it is in a resplendent sunset, or the twinkle in the eye of a child frolicking in a fountain…
...in the rippled reflections of pavement puddles, or how tiny fingers clutch a favourite toy.
There are moments of magic everywhere.
And being able to preserve them, is priceless!
“A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera”
– Dorothea Lange